(HP同人)All the Ghosts are Screaming(英文版)

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“ ,” ket h w .”

“o. rl ok d. “r.”

“dlly th” h”

“id ,” drrlf t ,” se.”

“ i drry’ re you.”

“i know.”

“ fiven you. for everyt’.”


“rd, learly, i ever .”

t g. “i know.”


dra rutre.

“rry . “”

“yea. “d.”


ur e u.

t, lrr.

ve pere .

“’t uayy f d u us.”

“ uu l.” dra l .”

“h uy.”

“’eren us.”

red, dve t dre d .

“y trute l ’t d true. rt l fe, too.”

te, r weeks.

“ye rry’s eyes hey. “”


“ted yve to follo.” t his.”

(ter rry r ke.)

“e yy time.”

“ d, drve’y ve you.”


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